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Finish Off Your Weight-Loss Journey With Non-Invasive Body Sculpting

Aug 10, 2023
Finish Off Your Weight-Loss Journey With Non-Invasive Body Sculpting
If you’ve dieted to shed extra weight but still have stubborn fat, non-invasive body sculpting could be the secret you’ve been searching for. Keep reading to learn how to achieve your aesthetic goals with these non-surgical treatments.

Congratulations on your weight loss! Our team knows you've worked hard to shed those extra pounds, and now you’re ready to finish the journey and take your transformation to the next level.

If you’re like many people, you may have found that even though you’ve watched your calorie intake and sweated it out at the gym, you still have frustrating pockets of fat that just won’t budge. We can give you a little help finishing off your weight-loss journey.

At Physicians WEIGHT LOSS Centers Pompano Beach in Florida, our board-certified providers offer a range of non-invasive body sculpting services to help you achieve the toned and sculpted physique you desire.

All about non-invasive body sculpting

Body sculpting, also called body contouring, offers a non-surgical solution for targeting deposits of hard-to-lose fat. Even if you’re at a healthy weight, your body can hold pockets of stubborn fat near the surface of your skin. 

It can be challenging to get those pockets of fat to budge — even when you perform targeted exercises or watch what you eat. That’s where body contouring comes in. 

Non-surgical body sculpting uses different technologies to break up stubborn fat cells. This helps you trim your figure and sculpt the body silhouette you desire. After your treatment, your body removes the destroyed fat cells through its natural waste removal system. 

Remember, body contouring therapies are NOT weight-loss solutions. Patients seeking non-surgical body contouring should be at or near a healthy body mass index (BMI).

At Physicians WEIGHT LOSS Centers Pompano Beach, our team uses different non-surgical body sculpting treatments to target stubborn fat deposits and eliminate unsightly cellulite. Here’s a closer look at the other options we provide: 

truSculpt® iD

This revolutionary treatment uses radiofrequency energy to target and eliminate fat cells in specific areas of your body. With truSculpt iD, you say goodbye to those last few inches that just won't budge, and hello to a slimmer and more contoured silhouette.

truSculptTM FLEX

If you want to tone and strengthen your muscles, truSculpt FLEX is the perfect solution. This personalized muscle-sculpting treatment uses multi-directional stimulation (MDS) technology to target specific muscle groups, helping you achieve a more defined and sculpted physique.

Lipo laser

Our non-invasive lipo laser treatment utilizes low-level laser therapy to help break down fat cells and tighten your skin. Lipo laser is a safe and effective way to target those stubborn areas of fat and improve the overall appearance of your body.

Body contouring suits

These innovative suits use advanced technology, like infrared energy and compression, to target and shrink unwanted fat cells. They also encourage weight loss, improve circulation, and relieve joint aches and other ongoing pain, so you'll get incredible results and feel rejuvenated — inside and out!

EMTONE® for cellulite

Cellulite is a frustrating concern, primarily when you’ve worked hard to lose significant weight. EMTONE combines radiofrequency and targeted pressure energy to reduce the appearance of cellulite, leaving you with smoother and firmer skin.

Optimal results with diet and non-invasive body sculpting

While body sculpting treatments can help you achieve your desired physique, a healthy lifestyle is vital to optimal results. At Physicians WEIGHT LOSS Centers Pompano Beach, we offer personalized diet plans tailored to your specific needs and goals. 

Our experts guide you in making the proper food choices to support your weight loss and body sculpting journey. Combining our non-invasive body sculpting services with personalized diet plans allows you to achieve the body you've always dreamed of. 

Don't let stubborn fat hold you back from thoroughly enjoying the results of your weight loss journey. Schedule a free consultation online or over the phone with a provider at Physicians WEIGHT LOSS Centers Pompano Beach in Florida, and discover the power of non-surgical body sculpting.